Spanish card models

Ediciones L’AEROTECA, Barcelona

The company published 6 issues, each containing 3 models.

The subjects are: civil war planes, WWII planes, Korean war planes and Spanish air force planes. Quality is medium and scale is 1:48.

These are not rare models but some are unique (Spanish made aircraft and/or the color scheme).

1960’s models

My information and the models I purchased are mostly from the public auctions website

It turns out that in the past, the hobby of cutting and gluing was popular in Spain, and there exists a large number of items called ‘recortable’, mostly of 2-dimensional figures but also 2- and 3-dimensional airplanes.

In addition, there are several models that were used for adertisements for various products, as well as a number of old models, including from the civil war era (1936-1939). For most of the models, there exist better models elsewhere, but the Spanish models are valuable as they represent a distict period and culture. Following are some of the most popular series.


At least 10 models simple but colorful airplane models, each on a 22.5 x 30 cm sheets.

The models are not always identified by name. For example, the Phantom II is called ‘Reactor’. At least one model is unique (Gardan G-80 Horizon).

Gardan G80 Horizon and Dassault Mystere 20


This publishing house issued a large number of airplane models during the early 1960’s, on 29 x 40 cm sheets.

After examining the models I realized that they are simplified versions of old Schreiber models. Since those Schreiber models are more rare than the Spanish copies, I purchased and built two of them:

I.A 33 PULQUI II – an Argentinian jet designed by Kurt Tank, the designer of the German FW aircraft.

Fiat G-82 – an early Italian training jet. I built an enlarged version.

I.A 33 Pulqui II

2-dimensional models

Recortables “ULTRA” Editorial ROMA, Barcelona

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